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Palm Sunday, March 29

8:00 AM (Time has been changed so the choir can participate) Those who wish to, join us at the Woolley Market for coffee/breakfast, and then for a prayer procession from downtown to Bethlehem. We will carry palm branches, sing, and pray for our community. Note: we will process if the weather is a normal Washington drizzle, but not in a flood or torrent.


10:00 AM Procession of the Palms by the Bethlehem sign in front of the church. This Sunday, we will also bless quilts for Project Linus and Lutheran World Relief. As people threw down their cloaks in honor of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem, we will lay before him the beautiful quilts dedicated to his ministry and service. 


Maundy Thursday, April 2 

Agape Feast 6:00 PM 

I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. (John 13:34) Join us for an Agape (Love) Feast that will include elements of the traditional Passover Seder Meal, as well as the celebration of the Lord's Supper and Jesus' command for us to love one another as he loved.


Good Friday  April 3

7:00 PM Service of Light and Darkness (Tenebrae) and Prayer around the Cross. 


Holy Saturday April 4

Prayer Vigil - All Day Sign up for a time to pray in Bethlehem's Prayer Chapel. We will pray for our congregation, community, the world. Our hope is that we will have individuals, teams or families praying at the church from dawn to dusk.


Easter Sunday, April 5

8:30 - 9:30 AM Easter Breakfast

9:30 AM Easter Egg Hunt

10:00 AM Festival Worship Service 

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